U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Fort Myers Beach

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1. BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The Rules state that risk of collision shall be deemed to exist __________.

whenever two vessels approach from opposite directions
if the bearing of an approaching vessel does not appreciably change
whenever a vessel crosses ahead of the intended track of another vessel
if one vessel approaches another so as to be overtaking

2. BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel which is unable to maneuver due to some exceptional circumstance, shall show two red lights in a vertical line and __________.

during the day, three balls in a vertical line
during the day, three shapes, the highest and lowest being balls and the middle being a diamond
when making way at night, sidelights and a sternlight
when making way at night, masthead lights, sidelights, and a sternlight

3. BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The towing light is a(n) __________.

flashing amber light
yellow light with the same characteristics as the sternlight
all-round yellow light
yellow light with the same characteristics as the masthead light

4. BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel transferring cargo while underway is classified by the Rules as a vessel __________.

restricted in her ability to maneuver
in special circumstances
not under command
constrained by her draft

5. BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A vessel approaching your vessel from 235° relative is in what type of situation?


6. BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND A sailing vessel with the wind abaft the beam is navigating in restricted visibility. She should sound __________.

three short blasts
one prolonged blast
one prolonged and two short blasts
two prolonged blasts

7. BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND In order for a vessel to be "engaged in fishing" she must be __________.

using gear which extends more than 50 meters outboard
using a seine of some type
using gear which restricts her maneuverability

8. BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND In fog, a vessel being towed, if manned, shall sound a fog signal of __________.

two short blasts
three short blasts
one prolonged and two short blasts
one prolonged and three short blasts

9. BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND You are making headway in fog and hear a fog signal of two prolonged blasts on your starboard quarter. You should __________.

stop your vessel
change course to the left
change course to the right
hold your course and speed

10. BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which statement is TRUE concerning the danger signal?

When any vessel fails to understand the intentions of an approaching vessel she must sound the danger signal.
Only the stand-on vessel can sound the danger signal.
Distress signals may be used in place of the danger signal.
The danger signal consists of 4 or more short blasts of the whistle.